Is concrete easily able to be harmed or influenced by cracking under heat?

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Heat cracking of concrete should be avoided immediately if the thickness of the concrete is increased. A well-known problem faced by designers and construction crews is concrete cracking due to the effects of heat. An increase in temperature in concrete is inevitable. However, it can still be controlled or minimized to some extent. Providing reinforcements based on design assumptions is also an action that can be taken to address this- click here .

Concrete structures exposed to direct sunlight can experience significant temperature changes compared to covered structures. Concrete tends to absorb heat and release it at night. The temperature rise usually depends on the environmental conditions of the place where you live. Intense heating or cooling can expand or contract concrete. When heated, concrete develops latent and compressive stresses, leading to thermal cracking of the structure.

Thermal cracking can also occur if the temperature of different parts of the same concrete slab exceeds a specific limit. This difference usually exists when the internal temperature of the slab increases or decreases slowly. This temperature variation can lead to tensile stresses, which, if exceeded, can lead to thermal cracking. Although heat cracking usually occurs at an early age, similar temperature-related concrete cracking can occur later.

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Due to the temperature change, the changing volume of concrete can damage the concrete surface even at a later stage. Specific finishing problems can also arise if you are pouring concrete in hot weather. Concrete tends to dry quickly which, if combined with weather conditions, can lead to scaling as the surface dries. If the pavement is concrete, the formation of crusts can lead to uneven surface texture.

How to deal with this problem?

Thermal cracking is not only bad, but it can also jeopardize your structure. You need to recognize when it might happen and then proactively take steps to minimize the chances of it happening in the first place. Design specifications should include the maximum temperature used to determine the ideal time to take preventive action and the maximum temperature difference that can be used to determine when cracking can occur. happen. To avoid the thermal cracking of the concrete, you need to know when temperature differences start to exceed specified limits. You can achieve this by using temperature sensors to measure different areas of your concrete slab. If you notice a particular room has a higher temperature, you can take several steps to control the situation.

Providing shade or misting the area can help reduce exposure to the sun’s heat. Higher temperatures of fresh concrete during the setting can lead to rapid hydration, resulting in reduced workability of the structure. Simply put, it can reduce the curing time of said concrete structure. Exposure to higher temperatures during curing develops higher initial strength and will cure at medium temperatures, but strength usually decreases significantly after a few days. To solve this problem, start by optimizing your concrete mix. During optimization, adjusting the amount of cement or water to the correct level can actively reduce the heat of hydration. Many professionals measure the temperature to calculate the compressive strength of your structure.


Many side effects can appear in childhood due to hot weather conditions. Excessive cracking or insufficient strength may not be apparent until almost a year after completion of work. Professionals can often recognize how extreme weather conditions can affect work. They can also tell if the problem is limited to the exposed surface of the concrete or if it extends deeper into the core of the structure. Having this type of information is crucial to developing a practical yet effective solution to restore the performance of your concrete.

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